Interested in piloting or partnering? Contact Amanda Binns & Farah Friesen at SLED-VAST@utoronto.ca
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Student-Led Environments (SLE) such as SLED-VAST would not be possible without the enthusiastic learners that are integral and foundational parts of our SLE communities and work.
This list includes learners who wished to be represented on this website. These individuals engaged with us during their time as learners in their health professions education programs, though many have since graduated and may be practicing clinicians or pursuing other academic and professional endeavours.
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Research & Evaluation
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
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As the program continues...
Year 2 (Apr 1, 2023-Mar 31, 2024) is focused on piloting the tool with clinicians. This feedback will allow learners to continue evaluate and iterate the tool to ensure its useability and applicability. After piloting and incorporating changes, the observation tool will become freely accessible and launched on this website in March 2024. Further work will support scale up in implementation of the tool and training for learners and clinicians across Ontario. Please check back in March 2024.
Knowledge Mobilization
Why is this important?
Engaging in knowledge mobilization is key to closing the gaps between research, practice and education, and to promoting meaningful change. SLED-VAST and its projects are examples of knowledge mobilization.
What is our approach? Together with our community, clinicians, families, and clients, we channel their insights to drive impactful research, education, and support initiatives.
Why does this matter?
- It helps important changes spread.
- It brings research, practice, and education closer together.
What are our goals?
- To create, and collaborate with the people who will use/be impacted by the outputs
- To promote/build in adoption, spread and scale of meaningful change
- To encourage/improve alignment between research, practice and education
Insights from our community partners, clinicians, family members, and clients guide the direction of our research, education, supports, and training.

Core Team
This includes the Core Teaching Team and the SLED-VAST Operations team,
who are also the Co-PI of the OAP Workforce Capacity grants.

Amanda Binns
Amanda is a clinician, researcher, and educator in the field of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP). Amanda is a clinician, researcher, and educator in the field of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP).

Amanda Binns
Amanda is a clinician, researcher, and educator in the field of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP). Amanda is a clinician, researcher, and educator in the field of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP).

Why is SLED-VAST important? Student-Led Environments (SLEs) are an efficient, effective, and evidence-informed education solution to system and workforce capacity pressures.

The SLED-VAST Student Led environment Education Program received the Ministry of Colleges and Universities' 2021/2022 Minister's Awards of Excellence in the category of Future-Proofing Ontario's Students.
Facilitation team:
Amanda Binns, PhD, SLP - CCC Reg. CASLPO, Farah Friesen, MI. and Holland Bloorview Family as Faculty Alifa Khan and Gunjan Seth,
Funded by the OAP Workplace Capacity Fund.

More about SLED-VAST
Student Led Environments simultaneously:
(a) engage health professions students in projects that fill identified gaps in healthcare systems, and
(b) provide a unique interprofessional training experience to the next generation of clinicians.
Perhaps unlike some other education models, SLEs are an invitation to leadership, truly encouraging and making space for learners to bring forward their curiosities and explore ideas that emerge for them, in the directions that are most exciting and impactful, informed by and in partnership with community partners, health professionals, and patient/family partners.
Integrating best practices from education science, clinical practice and research, and experiential knowledge (lived experiences), SLED-VAST provides learners with valuable, evidence-informed education that enables more compassionate, equitable, and collaborative care.